Award Winning Visual Staging for Marching Bands, Indoor Bands, Drumlines, Guards, and Theatrical Tours

Sophisticated, Artistic, and Innovative Designs Tailored to Your Unique Program

Custom Designs for Your Unique Program

Trusted Process, Exceptional Results

Decades of Experience, Personal Attention

Create a One-of-a-Kind Experience for Your Audience

From DCI to WGI to BOA and back, Michael’s sophisticated and innovative designs will transform your program into an unforgettable showcase of talent. With over 30 years of experience and a track record of delivering exceptional results every time, Michael is the partner you can trust to help you achieve success. Let him help you create a program that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

It’s Easy to Get Started

Step 1: Schedule a Consultation

Get in touch to schedule a consultation and tell Michael more about your program and its unique needs.

Step 2: Collaborate on a Custom Design

Michael will collaborate with you to create a sophisticated and innovative custom design that perfectly fits your program.

Step 3: Watch Your Program Come to Life

After the design is complete, Michael will work with you to implement it into your program, whether you need a large scale drill or a smaller stage performance. Watch as your program comes to life in an unforgettable way.


Michael will be available to you during your writing process to help elevate the product, and find red flags before the product is sent to your band. 

30+ Years of Award Winning Experience: Trust My Expertise to Deliver Results for Your Program

Do you want to stand out from the competition but feel overwhelmed with creating another creative performance? Michael has 30+ years of experience creating custom visual staging for performances across the globe. He will take your unique needs and cater a creative design that’s tailored to your program. Let him help take your program to the next level!